Make Decorah Pride possible

We hope you will consider joining as a ongoing Decorah Pride Sponsor. We love our sponsors! Your support makes it possible for us to rent space and equipment, pay festival performers, purchase materials, and promote this free and public event. Your public support is a powerful message to LGBTQIA+ people and all who seek to live in a diverse and  affirming community. Plus it’s incredible fun!  

Donations can be made electronically via the link to the right or by a check made out to Decorah Pride, and sent to Decorah Pride, PO Box 182, Decorah IA 52101. 


Sponsorship Levels 

EQUALITY – $500 and above – Includes your logo and name on printed on our signs, plus a shout out on the website and socials, and lots of love!  

UNICORN – $250 – 499 – Includes your name on printed signs and the website, shout out on socials, endless high fives, and of course, lots of love!  

RAINBOW – $100 – 249 – Includes your name on this website, epic high fives, and lots of love! 

GLITTER – $10-99 – Includes a sense of fabulousness and lots of love! 

2024 Equality Sponsors ($500+)

2023 Unicorn Sponsors ($250-499)

Mike and Sue Ellingsen

2023 Rainbow ($100-$249)

Ellis Arnold and Karen Esterl

Andrew and Eric Ellingsen


EQUALITY: Arthaus, Luna Valley Farm, Modish, Sarah Hedlund, Pulpit Rock Brewing Company

UNICORN: Cardboard Robot, Decorah UCC, Otter Dreaming & William Musser Family, Driftless Outdoors, Driftless Yoga Center, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Mike Ellingsen, Jamie Henderson, Impact Coffee, Mabe’s Pizza, Rubaiyat, Schera’s and Brian Bruening, Karen and Pat Trewin, Vagts Family Chat

RAINBOW: Agora Arts, Ellis Arnold and Karen Esterl, Melissa and Matt Bills, Brenda and Dave Carlson, Jocelyn and Joey Clarine, Sina Kramer and Andrew Dilts, Decorah Hatchery, The Getup, Andrew and Eric Ellingsen, Will Fellows and Bronze Quinton, Inspired Media, Judy Kittleson and Mike Wilker, La Rana, Amy and Matt Larson, Charlie Langton, Seth Robinson and Laura Shatzer, Melissa Simon and Josh Stello and family, Beth and Tom Wahlberg

GLITTER: So many fabulous folks!!!

“There will not be a magic day when we wake up and it’s now okay to express ourselves publicly. We make that day by doing things publicly until it’s simply the way things are.”

-Tammy Baldwin,  the first openly gay US senator.

Have a question?
Drop Us a Note!

Thank you for joining in the movement to make Northeast Iowa a welcoming community for all LGBTQIA+ people. 

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